flaskis Skrivet maj 15, 2010 Anmäl Share Skrivet maj 15, 2010 Aspect Category Your Aspect Compatibility With Rei Abstract/Concrete ABSTRACT COMPATIBLE Introvert/Extrovert EXTROVERT INCOMPATIBLE Logical/Emotional EMOTIONAL INCOMPATIBLE Dominant/Submissive DOMINANT INCOMPATIBLE You are most like the Evangelion character: Toji Suzuhara Your Abstract way of thinking is your only point of compatibility with Rei, which means you can have good discussions about personal and philosophical subjects. Like Toji, you are outgoing and emotional, which means a lot of people will like being around you. However, if you want to be with Rei, those parts of your personality aren't going to help. You are 30% compatible with Rei. Klockrent. Jag har aldrig varit ett fan av Rei :D Citat Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
Bareus Skrivet maj 15, 2010 Anmäl Share Skrivet maj 15, 2010 Tja, jag blev ISTP och Your Personality Aspects: Aspect Category Your Aspect Compatibility With Rei Abstract/Concrete CONCRETE INCOMPATIBLE Introvert/Extrovert INTROVERT COMPATIBLE Logical/Emotional LOGICAL COMPATIBLE Dominant/Submissive SUBMISSIVE COMPATIBLE You are most like the Evangelion character: Rei Ayanami You are almost like Rei in the major personality aspects. As far as relating to each other as people, you would be able to work well with Rei and be good friends with her as well. However, the problem with most Submissive Introverts like yourself and Rei is initiating a relationship (since the both of you are rather people-shy). Once you take the first step toward Rei, you'll find that the both of you have a lot in common. You are 87% compatible with Rei. Citat Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
Zeedox Skrivet maj 17, 2010 Anmäl Share Skrivet maj 17, 2010 Your Personality Aspects: Abstract/Concrete ABSTRACT COMPATIBLE Introvert/Extrovert INTROVERT COMPATIBLE Logical/Emotional EMOTIONAL INCOMPATIBLE Dominant/Submissive SUBMISSIVE COMPATIBLE You are most like the Evangelion character: Shinji Ikari You are a Submissive Introvert, just like the timid Shinji Ikari. Although you match up well with Rei in this respect, you might find initial encounters difficult, as is with most Submissive Introverts like Shinji and Rei. However, once you develop a relationship with her, you'll find that you and Rei have a lot in common, and with some time you'll be able to relate to one another. You are 85% compatible with Rei. Wohoo! Go Go Shinji! Citat Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
Voffe Skrivet maj 17, 2010 Anmäl Share Skrivet maj 17, 2010 Your Personality Aspects:Aspect Category Your Aspect Compatibility With Rei Abstract/Concrete ABSTRACT COMPATIBLE Introvert/Extrovert INTROVERT COMPATIBLE Logical/Emotional LOGICAL COMPATIBLE Dominant/Submissive SUBMISSIVE COMPATIBLE You are most like the Evangelion character: Rei Ayanami You are like Rei herself in all the major personality aspects. So, if Rei were real you'd find that the both of you could get along with each other, whatever that means. Submissive Introverts, like yourself and Rei, often have a hard time taking the initiative to be with each other, but once they trust each other their friendship tends to become very strong. You are 99% compatible with Rei. Kanske dags att färga håret blått... Citat Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
Klona Skrivet maj 17, 2010 Anmäl Share Skrivet maj 17, 2010 Your Personality Aspects:Aspect Category Your Aspect Compatibility With Rei Abstract/Concrete ABSTRACT COMPATIBLE Introvert/Extrovert EXTROVERT INCOMPATIBLE Logical/Emotional EMOTIONAL INCOMPATIBLE Dominant/Submissive DOMINANT INCOMPATIBLE You are most like the Evangelion character: Toji Suzuhara Your Abstract way of thinking is your only point of compatibility with Rei, which means you can have good discussions about personal and philosophical subjects. Like Toji, you are outgoing and emotional, which means a lot of people will like being around you. However, if you want to be with Rei, those parts of your personality aren't going to help. You are 28% compatible with Rei. Jaha där ser man, kom lite som en överraskning faktiskt. Citat Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
My Skrivet maj 18, 2010 Anmäl Share Skrivet maj 18, 2010 Your Personality Aspects:Aspect Category Your Aspect Compatibility With Rei Abstract/Concrete ABSTRACT COMPATIBLE Introvert/Extrovert INTROVERT COMPATIBLE Logical/Emotional LOGICAL COMPATIBLE Dominant/Submissive SUBMISSIVE COMPATIBLE You are most like the Evangelion character: Rei Ayanami You are like Rei herself in all the major personality aspects. So, if Rei were real you'd find that the both of you could get along with each other, whatever that means. Submissive Introverts, like yourself and Rei, often have a hard time taking the initiative to be with each other, but once they trust each other their friendship tends to become very strong. You are 96% compatible with Rei. Okeeeej... Inte helt säker på detta. Så vitt jag kan se blev en av kategorierna tvärtom jämfört med det förra testet jag provade (logisk/känslosam). Citat Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
ikkari Skrivet augusti 2, 2010 Anmäl Share Skrivet augusti 2, 2010 jag "blev" ISFJ. Citat Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
larsleo Skrivet november 22, 2010 Anmäl Share Skrivet november 22, 2010 E S T P och Your Personality Aspects: Aspect Category Your Aspect Compatibility With Rei Abstract/Concrete ABSTRACT COMPATIBLE Introvert/Extrovert EXTROVERT INCOMPATIBLE Logical/Emotional LOGICAL COMPATIBLE Dominant/Submissive DOMINANT INCOMPATIBLE You are most like the Evangelion character: Ritsuko Akagi Just like Dr. Akagi, your Abstract and Logical attitude are in fine tune with Rei. As a result, you and Rei think very similarly, which means you would be able to effectively work with her on various problems and tasks. However, personality-wise your Dominant and Extrovert character aspects conflict sharply with Rei, so don't bet on anything more than a good working relationship. Citat Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
Saya Skrivet november 29, 2010 Anmäl Share Skrivet november 29, 2010 En till, förvånansvärt träffande. http://www.colorquiz.com/index.php Your Existing Situation "Is stubborn and strong-willed, once his mind is made up it is impossible to change it. He does not ask for much, so he feels when he does ask his needs should be met." Your Stress Sources "Always trying to make a good impression on others, but doubtful he is succeeding. Feels he has the right to everything he hopes and dreams of and becomes annoyed and helpless when things don't go his way. Is troubled by the very thought of failure which leaves him feeling miserable. Always sees himself as the victim as if everyone treats him poorly and he never is given his fair share. Feels his failures are no fault of his own, but due to the shortcomings of others." Your Restrained Characteristics Current situations force him into compromise and placing his own hopes and desires on hold for the time being. "Seeking to broaden his horizons and believes his hopes and dreams are realistic. Worries he may not be able to do the things he wants and needs to escape to a peaceful, quiet environment in order to restore his confidence." "Feels he is not receiving his fair share and is unable to rely on anyone for support or sympathy. He keeps his emotions bottled up, leaving him quick to take offense to small things. He tries to make the best of his situation." Your Desired Objective Is in need of immediate rest and relaxation. Longs for peace and a sense they are understood. Feels he has been treated unfairly which makes him angry. Cannot stand to stay in an environment in which he is treated unfairly and with no consideration for his feelings. Your Actual Problem Disappointed because his hopes have not come to pass and he fears coming up with new goals will only lead to further disappointment. These conflicting emotions lead to a feeling of anxiety and depression. He tries to escape into a peaceful and calm relationship which offers encouragement and protection from further disappointment. Your Actual Problem #2 Lack of energy leaves him unnoticed to pursue further activities or demands placed on him. He feels powerless which leaves him agitated and depressed. Tries to escape from his struggles by searching for peaceful and restful conditions in which to relax and recover in an atmosphere full of security. Citat Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
Sceleris Skrivet november 29, 2010 Författare Anmäl Share Skrivet november 29, 2010 Hah, så jäkla dåligt test. Välj några slumpade färger så får du uttalanden som kan stämma in lite på ungefär alla. Color Test - Results Your Existing Situation "Needs protection for anxiety and conflict, with a personal relationship that is close and understanding and nurturing." Your Stress Sources "Feels unappreciated and in an unpleasant position. Needs personal recognition and the respect of others, since he has not been about to find partners who value the same things he does. He holds back his emotions and is unable to give fully of himself, but lasting isolation makes him want to change those ways and surrender to his deep urges. Giving in to his natural instincts and urges is a sign of weakness, so feeling this way makes him weak and irritable. Fighting these urges makes him feel stronger, as if he can take on anything that comes his way. Longs to be valued as an important associate and admired for his personal qualities." Your Restrained Characteristics "Self-centered, tends to take this personally and is easily offended." Emotionally demanding and will involve himself in close relationships but won't get too involved or give too much of himself. "Feels he is carry more than his share of problems. He is flexible and laid back, sticking to his goals and working to overcome any difficulty." "Feels he is carry more than his share of problems. He is flexible and laid back, sticking to his goals and working to overcome any difficulty." "Feels trapped in a helpless situation and is desperately seeking relief. He is able to find pleasure and happiness in sexual activity, as long as there is not a lot of conflict or emotional difficulty." Your Desired Objective "His current situation is viewed as unpleasant and demanding to much out of him. He is stubborn and close-minding, feeling his way is the only correct way." Your Actual Problem "Struggles with his need for respect and admiration from others; feels he needs to make a name for himself and stand out from the crowd. He acts out by insisting he be the center of attention, and refuses to step back, stand down, or take on a minor, insignificant role." Your Actual Problem #2 "Feeling a lack of energy, he does not wish to be involved in further activity or give in to demands. He is feeling powerless causing him stress, agitation, and irritation. He reacts by becoming the victim and feeling as if everyone is out to get him. Demands with annoyance that he needs to get his own way." Citat Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
Sceleris Skrivet november 29, 2010 Författare Anmäl Share Skrivet november 29, 2010 Om man vill dubbelkolla sitt MBTI-resultat så kan man använda denna sajt. Man svarar på ett antal binära frågor (dvs två svarsalternativ) och markerar styrkan i sitt svar. Resultat. Spoiler Jag får INTP istället för mitt vanliga INTJ. Tydligen är det vanligt. Skillnaden mellan INTP och INTJ beskrivs som att medan INTJ är kvicka till att ta beslut och planera, så är INTP desto mer öppna; jag kan nog identifiera mig mer med INTP-beskrivningarna än INTJ. Citat Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
nebukanessar Skrivet januari 3, 2011 Anmäl Share Skrivet januari 3, 2011 Tja, stämmer någorlunda The following table divides a general personality into four aspects. Your personality aspects are shown in the middle column of the table. Each aspect's compatiblity with Rei is shown in the far-right column, and you can look at these to get a rough idea of your overall compatiblity. Your Personality Aspects: Aspect CategoryYour AspectCompatibility With ReiAbstract/ConcreteCONCRETE INCOMPATIBLE Introvert/ExtrovertINTROVERT COMPATIBLE Logical/EmotionalLOGICAL COMPATIBLE Dominant/SubmissiveDOMINANT INCOMPATIBLE You are most like the Evangelion character: Gendo Ikari Just like Commander Ikari, your combination of Dominance and Logic make you an effective leader. Also, you would have a good working relationship with Rei just like the Commander did. However, don't expect as good of a relationship with Rei as the Commander had... sooner or later, the aspects of your personality that conflict with Rei will make a relationship with her difficult. You are 51% compatible with Rei. Citat Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
Sanctuary Skrivet januari 12, 2011 Anmäl Share Skrivet januari 12, 2011 Har hört om Myers briggs och funderat länge på att göra ett men aldrig kommit igång. Vart ni gjorde ni testet då? Vad kostade det? Har för mig att det inte finns på så många ställen i Sverige, så ofta måste man åka dit. Säg inte att ni gjorde ett internet test (tror jag sett några såna flyta runt på nätet) för dem ger väl inte precisa svar (eller?) Citat Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
Sceleris Skrivet januari 12, 2011 Författare Anmäl Share Skrivet januari 12, 2011 Givetvis på nätet. Betalar man för att ta ett MBTI-test kan man nästan lika väl betala för att få sitt horoskop också. Om du vill betala för ett test, ta ett femfaktortest eller nåt istället. Citat Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
Sceleris Skrivet februari 16, 2011 Författare Anmäl Share Skrivet februari 16, 2011 Litet IQ-test, som inte ska tas på för stort allvar. Jag har förvisso gjort det förut... Citat Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
Klibbnisse Skrivet februari 16, 2011 Anmäl Share Skrivet februari 16, 2011 Om vi ändå snackar IQ-test så förslår jag att man försöker sig på Mensas provtest: http://www.mensa.se/provtest Precis som de skriver så skall man aldrig göra samma test två gånger, då det andra resultatet blir missvisande :D Citat Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
Volbla Skrivet februari 16, 2011 Anmäl Share Skrivet februari 16, 2011 Alltid lika kul :) 130. Synd att man inte fick veta vad svaren faktiskt var. Citat Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
Sceleris Skrivet september 21, 2011 Författare Anmäl Share Skrivet september 21, 2011 The Personality Defect Test: You are the Robot! You are characterized by your rationality. In fact, this is really ALL you are characterized by. Like a cold, heartless machine, you are so logical and unemotional that you scarcely seem human. For instance, you are very humble and don't bother thinking of your own interests, you are very gentle and lack emotion, and you are also very introverted and introspective. You may have noticed that these traits are just as applicable to your laptop as they are to a human being. You are not like the robots they show in the movies. Movie robots are make-believe, because they always get all personable and likeable after being struck by lightning, or they are cold, cruel killing machines. In all reality, though, you are much more boring than all that. Real robots just sit there, doing their stupid jobs, and doing little else. If you get struck by lightning, you won't develop a winning personality and heart of gold. (Robots don't have hearts, silly, and if they did, they would probably be made of steel, not gold.) You also won't be likely to terrorize humanity by becoming an ultra-violent killing machine sent into the past to kill the mother of a child who will lead a rebellion against machines, because that movie was dumb as hell, and because real robots don't kill--they horribly maim at best, and they don't even do that on purpose. Real robots are boringly kind and all too rarely try to kill people. In all my years, my laptop has only attacked me once, and that was only because my brother threw it at me. In short, your personality defect is that you don't really HAVE a personality. You are one of those annoying, super-logical people that never gets upset or flustered. Unless, of course, you short circuit. Or if someone throws a pie at you. Pies sure are delicious. Jag har inga starka känslor om detta åt endera hållet. Citat Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
Saya Skrivet september 21, 2011 Anmäl Share Skrivet september 21, 2011 You are the Sociopath! As a result of your cold, calculating rationality, your introversion (and ability to keep quiet), your brutality, and your arrogance, you would make a very cunning serial killer. You are confident and capable of social interaction, but you prefer the silence of dead bodies to the loud, twittering nitwits you normally encounter in your daily life. You care very little for the feelings of others, possibly because you are not a very emotional person. You are also very calculating and intelligent, making you a perfect criminal mastermind. Also, you are a very arrogant person, tending to see yourself as better than others, providing you with a strong ability to perceive others as weak little animals, so tiny and small. You take great pleasure in the misery of others, and there is nothing sweeter to you than the sweet glory of using someone else's shattered failure to project yourself to success. Except sugar. That just may be sweeter. In short, your personality defect is the fact that you could easily be a sociopath, because you are calculating, unemotional, brutal, and arrogant. Please don't kill me for writing mean things about you! I have a 101 mile-long knife! Don't make me use it! Tja öh. Citat Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
A-lan Skrivet september 21, 2011 Anmäl Share Skrivet september 21, 2011 Jag gillar sånna här tester, även om de egentligen inte är pålitliga. *börjar gå igenom den* ... Ehm... "9. Rationality is more important to me than emotions or feelings." Frågan är fel. "13 I tend to be motivated mostly by my feelings or intuitions as opposed to my logic or reason." WTF? Hur skulle det kunna vara, på något vis, möjligt att bli motiverad av något annat än känslor? Jag kan förstå tanken bakom fråga 9, även om den är helt cp, men... "25 I feel logical, structured pursuits like mathematics or science are ultimately more important and useful than open-ended or intuitive pursuits like the arts." Jag kan se att den som gjorde testet skulle säga nej, och är okunnig i matematik och vetenskap. Citat Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
Marcus Skrivet september 22, 2011 Anmäl Share Skrivet september 22, 2011 You are the Bitch-Slap, the hallmark response of any abusive husband! You are more intuitive than others, focusing more on feelings than rational explanations, and you are also probably very brutual because you care more about yourself than the well-being of others. As all nagging wives know, brutality combined with emotion often leads to BITCH-SLAPPING, which is why you are called "The Bitch Slap". (That and because I find it amusing to accuse people of pummeling female dogs.) Your humility probably stems from insecurity, if anything, because people fond of slapping the shit out of someone in place of rational discussion are usually not humble in the way Jesus was humble. Possible sources of insecurity? A small penis, a small bank account, a small intelligence...gee, when you say "small" a lot, it stops sounding like a real word! Not only that, but you are also rather introverted, and any tendencies towards brutality you possess may also result from the fact that you bottle up your emotions and don't show them to others until you explode in rage like some sort of shaken soda can. Take it from me, it is much more rewarding to bottle beer over emotions. You can't get wasted on emotions. Aside from all my talk (and it's a lot of talk) you are probably not a VIOLENT person, just someone who is rather selfish and who makes decisions based upon emotional motives. At any rate, being a bitch-slap does not necessarily mean you will abuse your spouse (your body odor is no doubt abuse enough); it only means you are rather intuitive, uncaring toward others, brutal, introverted, and possibly insecure. And sorry about that body odor remark if you really are insecure. I promise that you smell like roses. Being fertilized by cow shit. Yeah right... ;) Citat Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
Volbla Skrivet september 22, 2011 Anmäl Share Skrivet september 22, 2011 Det förvånar mig inte att jag också blev robot. Citat Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
Olji Skrivet september 22, 2011 Anmäl Share Skrivet september 22, 2011 Robot här med... :I Citat Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
Voffe Skrivet september 22, 2011 Anmäl Share Skrivet september 22, 2011 En till robot här. Citat Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
Klona Skrivet september 22, 2011 Anmäl Share Skrivet september 22, 2011 You are the Haughty Intellectual. You are a very rational person, emphasizing logic over emotion, and you are also rather arrogant and self-aggrandizing. You probably think of yourself as an intellectual, and you would like everyone to know it. Not only that, but you also tend to look down on others, thinking yourself better than them. You could possibly have an unhealthy obsession with yourself as well, thus causing everyone to hate you for being such an elitist twat. On top of all that, you are also introverted and gentle. This means that you are just a quiet thinker who wants fame and recognition, in all likelihood. Like so many countless pseudo-intellectuals swarming around vacuous internet forums to discuss worthless political issues, your kind is a scourge upon humanity, blathering and blathering on and on about all kinds of boring crap. If your personality could be sculpted, the resulting piece would be Rodin's "The Thinker"--although I am absolutely positive that you are not nearly as muscular or naked as that statue. Rather lacking in emotion, introspective, gentle, and arrogant, you are most certainly a Haughty Intellectual! And, most likely, you will never achieve the recognition or fame you so desire! But no worries! Tur att jag inte fick lika dåliga resultat som er andra! Citat Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
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